The Aquatic ecology and Water Quality Management group (AEW, in the proposal misspelled as WU-ERA)) incorporates the chemical stress ecology group which:
Assesses the ecological effects of contaminants like pesticides, veterinary medicines and personal and home care products at different levels of biological organization
– Individual (toxicokinetics-toxicodynamics)
– Populations using microcosms
– Community/ecosystems using mesocosms,
as well as those of multiple stressors, including climate change, drought, nutrients and salinization.
The group is also experienced in developing non-standard test protocols to include non-standard endpoints like behaviour as well as effect models (e.g. individual based, meta-population models and ecoinformatics, expert base models) and Traits based Ecological Risk Assessments (TERA)
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is a project funded by the European Commission (Grant Agreement No. 101084163).
Viopolis,41500, Larissa, Greece