Nico van den Brink
Leading Scientist
Dr. N.W. (Nico) van den Brink (associate prof) leads the Environmental Toxicology group at the dept. of Toxicology, with a focus on wildlife toxicology and emphasis on non-standard toxicity endpoints. Areas of interest are on immunomodulatory effects of chemicals (PPPs, pharma, trace metals) on animals and impacts on the prevalence of zoonotic diseases as well as behavoural effects of chemicals on animals. His research is performed from in vitro to in vivo and in field and is aimed to identify mechanisms of actions of chemicals and to establish causality of dose-response relationships evenunder field conditions. He currently supervises 12 PhD students in his group. He co-leads the Marie Curie ITN “Chronic” on the potential impacts from chronic exposures to organisms, and has participated in several other EU-projects, also as WP-lead. He is founding member of the Wildlife Toxicology Interest Group of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (www.setac.org) and of the International Board of Environmental Risk Assessors (https://ibera-certification.org/).