OECD presentation RATION
On the 2nd of March the Coordinator of RATION Prof. D. Karpouzas presented the vision of RATION to the 7th Meeting of the Expert Group on BioPesticides (EGBP) in the OECD headquarters in Paris. RATION and its members will also offered to contribute to the several actions of the EGBP supported by OECD.
During the 7th Meeting of the Expert Group on BioPesticides, which was held in the headquarters of OECD in Paris, RATION, represented by its Coordinator Prof. Karpouzas, declared its interest to participate in the following OECD proposed projects:
Project 1 – Guidance document to determine when an in vivo test would or would not be needed
Project 5 – Development of aquatic invertebrate (freshwater) guidance
Project 6 – Adapting OPPTS mammalian toxicity and infectivity/pathogenicity guidelines to an OECD test guideline
Project 7 – Developing a list of secondary metabolites of concern Activities for the preparation of Project 6 have already started with the participation of the University of Thessaly (Dr Papagiannitsis) and Wageningen University (Prof. Niko van den Brink) as representatives of RATION and members of WP2, Task 2.2. which is directly relevant to the proposed project.