Institute of Industrial and Forage Crops
On behalf of the Greek Ministry of Agricultural Development & Food, ELGO-DIMITRA supports actions for the modernization and development of national agricultural sector, in addition to implementing acts within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy. ELGO-DIMITRA consists of 11 Institutes located around Greece. The Institute of Industrial and Forage Crops (IIFC, Larissa, Greece) of ELGO-DIMITRA is directed by Dimitrios Vlachostergios and its research activities include plant breeding and production, molecular genetics and epigenetics, plant protection, plant physiology, smart farming and soil/water analysis. The Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics of IIFC that is involved in RATION is headed by Athanasios Dalakouras and deals with RNA-mediated gene regulation mechanisms and epigenetics.
is a project funded by the European Commission (Grant Agreement No. 101084163).
Viopolis,41500, Larissa, Greece